G1-Unit4: Programming
Play with Scratch
4.0 Start Scratch
4.3 Costume change
4.4 Extra sprite
4.5 Find a new block
4.1 Computer parts
G2-Unit4: Programming
The Frog Hop Game
4.1 Choose a sprite
4.3 A start event
4.4 Forever loop
4.5 Plan and make
4.6 Find and fix
Unit 5: Multimedia
My hobbies
5.1 Make a poster
5.2 Add a text box
5.3 Insert an image
5.5 Add shapes
G3-Unit4: Programming
4.1 Draw with a pen
4.2 Making changes
4.3 How many steps?
4.6 Error challenge
G4-Unit4: Programming
Make a game
4.2 Make sprite move
4.3 Crash detector
4.4 Crash points
4.5 Add new program ideas
4.6 Design your own game